
Various statistics about Worldwide Combos.

Member count

Members with a validated account: 34865.
Online users in the last 24 hours: 358.
Online users in the last month: 2310.
Members on the Discord server: 1347.

Records (since 2022-04-19)

Online users: 152.
Players in Arena: 88.
Online users in 24 hours: 1346.
Online users in a month: 10489.
Members on the Discord server: 1347.

Games played

Last 24 hoursLast monthAll time
Custom rounds34494223885116

Records (since 2022-04-19)

24 hours1 month
Custom rounds5550891462

Most represented countries / regions

RankCountry / RegionMembers
1 United States 1294
2 Philippines 650
3 Canada 400
4 Australia 221
5 Malaysia 209
6 United Kingdom 184
7 South Korea 170
8 Denmark 154
9 Brazil 135
10 Mexico 120
11 Singapore 118
12 Taiwan 114
13 Argentina 109
14 France 103
15 Germany 101
16 Norway 90
17 Hong Kong 89
18 Japan 81
19 Vietnam 77
20 Belgium 75
20 China 75
22 Chile 71
23 Sweden 65
24 Italy 63
25 Spain 61
26 Netherlands 56
27 Indonesia 53
28 New Zealand 51
29 Portugal 50
30 Other 48
31 Colombia 45
32 Poland 41
33 Russia 37
34 Finland 34
35 Turkey 32
36 Peru 28
37 Greece 27
38 Serbia 26
39 Austria 25
40 Czech Republic 23
41 Mongolia 22
42 Israel 21
43 India 20
44 Romania 17
45 Ireland 15
46 Bulgaria 14
47 Ecuador 13
47 Thailand 13
49 North Korea 12
50 Croatia 11
50 Lituania 11
50 Venezuela 11
53 Albania 10
53 United Arab Emirates 10
53 Ukraine 10
56 Switzerland 9
56 Uruguay 9
58 Hungary 8
58 Iceland 8
58 Kazakhstan 8
61 Afghanistan 7
61 Dominican Republic 7
61 Egypt 7
64 Bolivia 6
64 Costa Rica 6
64 Latvia 6
64 Zimbabwe 6
68 American Samoa 5
68 Slovakia 5
70 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4
70 Moldova 4
70 South Africa 4
73 Algeria 3
73 Aruba 3
RankCountry / RegionMembers
73 Brunei 3
73 El Salvador 3
73 Estonia 3
73 Georgia 3
73 Guatemala 3
73 Honduras 3
73 Iraq 3
73 Kosovo 3
73 Lebanon 3
73 North Macedonia 3
73 Puerto Rico 3
73 Tunisia 3
87 Armenia 2
87 Bahamas 2
87 Bermuda 2
87 Cambodia 2
87 Cyprus 2
87 Cook Islands 2
87 Cuba 2
87 Djibouti 2
87 Ethiopia 2
87 Fidji 2
87 Luxemburg 2
87 Micronesia 2
87 Panama 2
87 Samoa 2
87 Saudi Arabia 2
87 Seychelles 2
87 Slovenia 2
87 Uganda 2
87 Virgin Islands 2
87 Yemen 2
107 Angola 1
107 Antiga and Barbuda 1
107 Azerbaijan 1
107 Bangladesh 1
107 Barbados 1
107 Bahrein 1
107 Belize 1
107 Burundi 1
107 Cape Verde 1
107 Cayman Islands 1
107 Chad 1
107 Cameroun 1
107 Côte d'Ivoire 1
107 Eritrea 1
107 Grenada 1
107 Equatorial Guinea 1
107 Guyana 1
107 Iran 1
107 Jordan 1
107 Kuwait 1
107 Laos 1
107 Libya 1
107 Madagascar 1
107 Malta 1
107 Mauritius 1
107 Montenegro 1
107 Nepal 1
107 Nicaragua 1
107 Nigeria 1
107 Niger 1
107 Qatar 1
107 Congo - Kinshasa 1
107 Rwanda 1
107 San Marino 1
107 Somalia 1
107 Sri Lanka 1
107 São Tomé and Príncipe 1
107 Swaziland 1
107 Tadjikistan 1
107 Togo 1
107 Turkmenistan 1
107 Vanuatu 1

How are these statistics computed?

  • Online players count include non-validated accounts as well as guest accounts.
  • Discord's member count does not include the two bots as well as the "admin" account.
  • All multiplayer games are counted (including the ones that end up with a disconnection, etc.).
  • Only completed singleplayer games are counted (for instance, a sprint run with less than 40 lines will not count, restarting several times before actually finishing a run will count as one game).
  • Country / Region statistics are based on information submitted by the players themselves, by default all accounts have no country / region set (which is different from picking "Other" in the list).