API documentation

All the informations and details about Worldwide Combos games modes and rankings.

This API is under construction. More features will be added in the future.

In order to use this API, just send a GET request to https://data.worldwide-combos.com/api/name after replacing name by the method's name.

profileRetrieve a validated player's profile informations
onlineRetrieve the list of players that are currently online.
rankingsRetrieve Worldwide Combos rankings with some optional filters.
replayRetrieve a Worldwide Combos replay data.


This is to retrieve a validated player's profile informations.


usernamenoThe username of the player you are interested in.

Example: https://data.worldwide-combos.com/api/profile?username=noelnadal.

Response fields

Each response contains a warning field and an error field. If the error attribute is an empty string, then there is another field called profile, which is a collection with the following fields.

usernamestringThe username of the player you queried.
countrystringThe country of the player you queried.
registration_datestringThe registration date and time (UTC) of the player you queried.
last_loginstringThe last time (UTC) the player you queried was online.
ratingsobjectRatings of the player you queried (see below), for every ruleset where the queried player appears in the leaderboard.
twitchstringThe Twitch channel of the player you queried, if it is public, or an empty string otherwise.
genderstringThe gender of the player you queried, either "Male", "Female", "Other" or "Unknown".
namestringThe name of the player you queried, if it is known, or an empty string otherwise.
surnamestringThe surname of the player you queried, if it is known, or an empty string otherwise.

The ratings field contains one entry per rating (the key being the rating's id), the following informations are available for each ruleset.

namestringThe name of the ruleset.
ratingfloatThe rating of the player you queried.
rating_deviationfloatThe rating deviation of the player you queried.

This is what you could get with the query above.

	"warning": "",
	"error": "",
	"profile": {
		"pseudo": "noelnadal",
		"pays": "France",
		"registration_date": "Tue Aug 17 2021 22:16:03",
		"last_login": "Sun Sep 04 2022 15:55:11",
		"ratings": {
			"424": {
				"name": "No Limit Basic Holes",
				"rating": 629.897,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"425": {
				"name": "No Limit Basic Bombs",
				"rating": 1216.34,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"426": {
				"name": "No Limit Chaos Holes",
				"rating": 878.628,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"427": {
				"name": "No Limit Chaos Bombs",
				"rating": 769.699,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"428": {
				"name": "No Limit Deadline Holes",
				"rating": 400.259,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"429": {
				"name": "No Limit Deadline Bombs",
				"rating": 575.082,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"430": {
				"name": "Tuning Limit Basic Holes",
				"rating": 516.417,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"431": {
				"name": "Tuning Limit Basic Bombs",
				"rating": 451.982,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"432": {
				"name": "Tuning Limit Chaos Holes",
				"rating": 771.515,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"433": {
				"name": "Tuning Limit Chaos Bombs",
				"rating": 95.107,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"434": {
				"name": "Tuning Limit Deadline Holes",
				"rating": 772.934,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"435": {
				"name": "Tuning Limit Deadline Bombs",
				"rating": 20.3025,
				"rating_deviation": 400
			"669": {
				"name": "NO LIMIT ARENA",
				"rating": 723.851,
				"rating_deviation": 85.161
			"670": {
				"name": "TUNING LIMIT ARENA",
				"rating": 524.946,
				"rating_deviation": 127.279
		"twitch": "",
		"nom": "Nadal",
		"prenom": "Noël",
		"discord": "",
		"gender": "Unknown"


This is to retrieve the number of players that are currently online.



Example: https://data.worldwide-combos.com/api/online.

Response fields

Each response contains a warning field and an error field. If the error field is an empty string, then the online_users_count field is available as well and contains an integer, corresponding to the number of online players.

This is what you could get with the query above.

	"warning": "",
 	"error": "",
 	"online_users_count": 160


This is to retrieve a specific Worldwide Combos replay.


tstringThe type of the replay. The type is "sp" for sprint games, "sv" for survivor games, "gr" for gravity games, "p" for custom or tournament room games, "m" for Arena games.
idintegerThe id of the replay.

Example: https://data.worldwide-combos.com/api/replay?t=sp&id=234567.

Response fields

Each response contains a warning field and an error field. If the error field is an empty string, then there are additional fields:

  • if the queried replay corresponds to a singleplayer game, then there is a data containing an array of in-game actions;
  • if the queried replay corresponds to a multiplayer game, then there are two fields, data1 and data2, respectively containing an array of in-game actions from players 1 and 2.

This is what you could get with the query above (actual data not reproduced).

	"warning": "",
	"error": "",
	"data": [[0,"w0"],[12,"g"],[12,"g"],[12,"g"],[200,"s"],[201,"w3"]]


This is to retrieve Worldwide Combos rankings with some optional filters.


typeyesThe rankings you are interested in. This field should be an integer corresponding to a ruleset. The default value is 670 (Tuning Limit).
startyesThe rank of the best player that should appear in the query. The default value is 1. In case of ties around the first ranks the players that are chosen to be at those ranks will be chosen arbitrarily.
countyesThe number of players that should appear in the query. The default value is 100, which means that all players until the end appear in the ranking. In case of ties around the last ranks the players that are chosen to be at those ranks will be chosen arbitrarily. This value cannot go above 100.

Example: https://data.worldwide-combos.com/api/rankings?type=670&start=6&count=5.

Response fields

Each response contains a warning field and an error field. If the error attribute is an empty string, then another field is available as well: the rankings field, which is an array where each element represents one player in the queried rankings, described by the following fields.

rankstringThe rank of the player (with possibly ties).
usernamestringThe username of the player.
countrystringThe country of the player.
ratingfloatThe rating of the player, in the leaderboard that was queried.
rating_deviationfloatThe rating deviation of the player, in the leaderboard that was queried.

This is what you could get with the query above.

 "warning": "",
 "error": "",
 "rankings": [
	  "rank": 6,
	  "username": "Shan",
	  "country": "New Zealand",
	  "rating": 2563.38,
	  "rating_deviation": 163.38
	  "rank": 7,
	  "username": "OnePunMan",
	  "country": "Australia",
	  "rating": 2479.38,
	  "rating_deviation": 73.8
	  "rank": 8,
	  "username": "Glasses",
	  "country": "Unknown",
	  "rating": 2392.01,
	  "rating_deviation": 92.2
	  "rank": 9,
	  "username": "qmk",
	  "country": "United States",
	  "rating": 2209.92,
	  "rating_deviation": 123.1
	  "rank": 10,
	  "username": "Hua",
	  "country": "Taiwan",
	  "rating": 2184.65,
	  "rating_deviation": 70